#MASARIMOMS: Unwrapping Motherhood
Celebrating the unconditional love mothers give as well as the joy found in motherhood, we spoke with five supermoms. Featuring Ketrin Agustine, Caroline Robianto, Rosalindynata Bakrie, Noorani Sukardi, and Selly Wilson along with their loved ones, the #MASARIMOMS reflect on their role as a mom, the meaning of love, and lessons learned from their minis.

Photographs by Iona Chavela
Styled by Gisela Febrina Juwono
Make-Up by Yosephina Yustiani & Sissy Sosro
Hair by Emi Xu
Ketrin Agustine (and Kaela)
Motherhood gave her a never-ending journey of learning and adventure as the days are never the same. Seeing her kids grow up became Ketrin's favorite thing as a mom. All the heaviness of juggling work and parenthood, combating self-doubt, and trying to be the best mother figure she can be melts away with a hug and a simple "I love you" from her kids.

Caroline Robianto (and River)
For Caroline, the realm of motherhood is a point of no return. It’s a priceless experience with so many learning curves not only for the mother but also for the kid and husband. But witnessing every time River reaches his milestone, the expressions when he is satisfied by something ordinary, seeing him laugh and being witty means the world to her.

Rosalindynata Bakrie (and Arka)
As a mother, Rosalindynata sees motherhood as a blessing and a gift that not all of us get. Even though it isn't always sunshine and rainbows, it's a world that she's glad to be part of. Being a mentor figure to her son, Arka, she teaches him many things as he grows up, but there's a moment when the dynamic changes and she's the one who learns from him—to love unconditionally.

Noorani Sukardi (and Saja)
The days Noorani spends as a mother teaches her to become a better person every day and to have a clear sense of purpose in life. All of these happen because of the profound love she has for her daughter. At the age where Saja is innocent enough to be expressive of her emotions, she showed her how to be more emotionally expressive every day.

Selly Wilson (and Wagner)
Motherhood means family, happiness, love, and contentment. Philanthropist and entrepreneur, Selly Wilson, believes being a mother not only has made her a better person but also brought a deeper meaning to her life. As the pandemic pushes us to go online, on the bright side, she's able to spend more time with her kids at the place where she feels most happy and at peace—home.