If you haven’t seen her name; she’s the granddaughter of the late Bondan Winarno. You have at least flipped past her face in the magazines and campaign of local brands. Saffron Llewellyn first started modeling at the ripe young age when she was in 4th grade. Between her bubbly look and friendly personality, she is surprisingly very mature for her age – she’s only 16 years old. We found out after our little conversation with her about style, career and life in general. Here, meet the new wave era of model and entrepreneur in the making.
How would you describe your style?
I think my style is a mix of retro and kinda Parisian. I love just wearing mom jeans, a plain shirt or a tank top with some sneakers
Who is your biggest style icon?
Jeanne Damas is my biggest style icon! I just love Parisian style in general I guess
If you could design one thing for yourself, what it would be?
I would most probably make a two piece since I think they are really fun
How did you start modeling?
I started modelling when I was in 4th grade. I was asked to do the cover of Dewi magazine for their wedding catalouge. I was the fold of the cover so you couldn’t see me. And since then I got jobs for various clothing lines and magazines
How would your friends describe you?
Most of friends say I’m like the mom of the group or I’m very responsible. But I can also be the loudest at times hahahaha
What’s one thing you don’t mind splurging on?
Food for sure! I don’t actually shop that often
What is the best life lesson you’ve ever learned?
I think one of the greatest lessons someone has ever given me: To always try new things before looking at it in a negative way
Is there an issue you would love to bring to your followers right now?
I have been very disgusted with how some zoos these days have been treating their animals. I have been seeing viral videos of zookeepers abusing cubs by forcing them to swim and separating them from their mothers. I used to enjoy going the Zoo until I saw these heart-breaking videos
What’s been your most ‘best moment’ so far?
My 15th and 16th birthdays were the best moments so far. I celebrated my 15th with my mum and my really close friend in Bali and my 16th birthday party I celebrated with my school friends here in Jakarta. I like making memories with people I’m close to
Who would you like to have a 30-minute meeting with?
Matty Healy. The 1975 are my favorite band! Seems like a very interesting person to talk to
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